Facilities and Membership FAQ


Do you have half-day daycare packages or combination half- and full day daycare packages?

Our 5, 10, 15, and 20-day daycare packages can all be split up into any combination of half- and full days!

For example, a 20-day daycare package can be used as:

  • 10 half-days and 15 full days

  • 20 half-days and 10 full days

  • 30 half-days and 5 full days

  • Or any way you’d like to mix and match!


What is your cleaning routine?

We clean our facility as least twice a day in accordance with and exceeding our state health license requirements!


What do you do in case of an emergency such as a fire or tornado?

Our security system is designed to call emergency services, including police and fire, as well as staff. 

We have met with the fire department to develop a fire evacuation plan that includes scenarios including during and after business hours. Both of our locations are located only one block from a fire station, and we expect the response time to be very fast. If there is a fire, we will evacuate the dogs into the yards away from the building. 

If there is a severe storm or a tornado during business hours, we will lock the dogs inside our buildings and, if necessary, we will confine them to the kennels and runs - or whatever needs to be done in order to keep everyone safe and manage the situation appropriately.


Do memberships expire? What happens if I haven’t brought my dog to HSH in a while?

If your dog hasn’t been to daycare in 1 year or more, we recommend scheduling a time to do a re-introduction process with packs. This will allow staff an opportunity to see which of the current packs best suits them, as well as minimize social stress on your dog.


Do you have live-stream cameras that members can watch?

We do not provide streaming services, however we do post to our Instagram and Facebook pages regularly, including stories almost every day and huge monthly Facebook albums!

We can’t guarantee that there will be pictures of your dog posted every time they are at HSH, but we try our best!